
Главная >> Книги >> Adrian Raftery

Adrian Raftery

If you can change education, you can change the world Edupreneur gives teachers the "how." You already know what needs to be done to improve education, but you may lack the support and processes to bring it to life—and that's where this book comes in. You'll walk through the four stages of innovation—dreaming, digging, making and sharing—and learn how to unleash ground-shaking change...
THIS BOOK IS YOUR FIRST TAX DEDUCTION! WHY PAY MORE TAX THAN YOU HAVE TO? 101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax – Legally! 2021-22 is the only tax guide you will need this year. Whether you’re submitting online or through your tax professional, Adrian Raftery, aka Mr Taxman, takes you step-by-step through the changes in the May 2021 budget, including the latest updates to COVID-19...