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Античная литература

Исследование «Об истолковании» написал ученый-энциклопедист, живший в древней Греции, и известный как основатель классической логики, Аристотель (384-322 г.г. до н. э.)*** Научный труд автора, состоящий из 14 глав, в которых...
«Гражданская война» – сочинение древнеримского политика и полководца Гая Юлия Цезаря о гражданской войне 49—45 годов до н. э., продолжение «Записок о Галльской войне». incompetech.filmmusic.io Kevin MacLeod / Hero Down Kevin MacLeod / Dangerous Kevin...
Потусовавшись на сайте "Жемчужины мысли", я понял, что с современными "афористами" тягаться не могу. Ну что же – попробуем посоревноваться с древними мыслителями.
Доказательство мифологичности евангельского Иисуса Христа на основе анализа произведений античных авторов.
Aristotle's Poetics (Greek: Περὶ ποιητικῆς; Latin: De Poetica) is the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and first extant philosophical treatise to focus on literary theory. In it, Aristotle offers an account of what he calls «poetry» (a term that derives from a classical Greek term, ποιητής, that means «poet; author; maker» and in this context includes verse...
Диоген из Лаэрты в Киликии (первая половина III в. н. э.) оставил нам сочинения, являющиеся единственной и уникальной «историей философии», написанной в Античности. В этом трактате излагаются учения всех известных к...
In an impressively comparative work, Jane K. Brown explores the tension in European drama between allegory and neoclassicism from the sixteenth through the nineteenth century. Imitation of nature is generally thought to triumph over religious allegory in the Elizabethan and French classical theater, a shift attributable to the recovery of Aristotle's Poetics in the Renaissance. But if...
A sinner-saint who embraced then renounced sexual and worldly pleasures; a woman who, through her attachment to Jesus, embodied both erotic and sacred power; a symbol of penance and an exemplar of contemplative and passionate devotion: perhaps no figure stood closer to the center of late medieval debates about the sources of spiritual authority and women's contribution to salvation...
The historical basis for “King Lear” comes from Geoffrey of Monmouth’s account of the legendary King Leir of the Britons recorded in the historian’s “History of the Kings of Briton.” King Lear is an elderly man and wishes to retire from power. In the decision to divide up his estate he requests that his daughters profess their feelings for him, vowing to give whomever loves him the...
The importance of Aeschylus in the development of drama cannot be overstated. Before him tragedy had consisted of the chorus and one actor; and by introducing a second actor, expanding the dramatic dialogue, and reducing the lyrical parts, he practically created Greek tragedy as we know it. Like other writers of his time, he acted in his own plays, and trained the chorus in their dances and...