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Николай Гоголь

«…Раздался петуший крик. Это был уже второй крик; первый прослышали гномы. Испуганные духи бросились, кто как попало, в окна и двери, чтобы поскорее вылететь, но не тут-то было: так и остались они там, завязнувши в...
"May Night, or the Drowned Maiden", 1831 is the third tale in the collection Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka by Nikolai Gogol. It was made into the opera May Night by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov in 1878–79 and also a Ukrainian setting by Mykola Lysenko. This story comes from the unnamed story-teller (who was previously responsible for «The Fair at Sorochyntsi»). In this tale, a young Cossack...
"Christmas Eve" (Russian: Ночь пе́ред Рождество́м, Noch pered Rozhdestvom, which literally translates as «The Night Before Christmas») is the first story in the second volume of the collection Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka by Nikolai Gogol. The story opens with a description of the winter scenery of Dikanka, Ukraine, a witch flying across the night sky and the devil...
Memoirs of a Madman or Diary of a Madman is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The Overcoat and The Nose, Diary of a Madman is considered to be one of Gogol’s greatest short stories. The tale centers on the life of a minor civil servant during the repressive era of Nicholas I. Following the format of a diary, the story shows the descent of the protagonist, Poprishchin, into...
"The Overcoat" (sometimes translated as «The Cloak») is a short story by Ukrainian-born Russian author Nikolai Gogol, published in 1842. The story and its author have had great influence on Russian literature, as expressed in a quote attributed to Fyodor Dostoyevsky: «We all come out from Gogol's 'Overcoat'.» The story narrates the life and death of titular councillor Akaky Akakievich...
"Gogol, Nikolai Vassilievitch. Born in the government of Pultowa, March 31 1809, died at Moscow, March 4 1852. A Russian novelist and dramatist. He was educated in a public gymnasium at Pultowa, and subsequently in the lyceum, then newly established, at Niejinsk. In 1831, Gogol brought out the first volume of his Ukrainian stories, 'Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka'. It met with immediate...
"The Nose" is a satirical short story by Nikolai Gogol written during his time living in St. Petersburg. During this time, Gogol's works were primarily focused on surrealism and the grotesque, with a romantic twist. Written between 1835 and 1836, «The Nose» tells the story of a St. Petersburg official whose nose leaves his face and develops a life of its own. «The Nose» was originally...
"Viy", also translated as «The Viy», is a horror novella by Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, first published in the first volume of his collection of tales entitled Mirgorod (1835). The title is also the name of the demonic entity central to the plot. Every summer, there is usually a large procession of all the students moving around the area as they travel home. However, the group is reduced...
В губернский город NN приезжает человек – что называется, средней руки во всем: ни стар, ни молод, ни богат, ни беден. Господин этот по фамилии Чичиков, совершив светские визиты вежливости к городской знати, принимается...
First published in 1842, “Dead Souls” is the story of Chichikov, a young middle-class gentleman who comes to a small town in Russia with a dubious plan to improve his wealth and position in life. He begins by spending beyond his means on the premise that he can impress the local officials and gain standing and connections in the community. At the heart of his plan is the idea of acquiring...
Nikolai Gogol, an early 19th century Ukrainian-born Russian novelist, humorist, and dramatist, considered the father of modern Russian realism, created some of the most important works of Russian literature. Gogol satirized the corrupt bureaucracy of the Russian Empire through the scrupulous and scathing realism of his writing, which would ultimately lead to his exile. Among some of his finest...
Nikolai Gogol, an early 19th century Ukrainian-born Russian novelist, humorist, and dramatist, created some of the most important works of world literature and is considered the father of modern Russian realism. Gogol satirized the corrupt bureaucracy of the Russian Empire through the scrupulous and scathing realism of his writing, which would ultimately lead to his exile. Among some of his...
Nikolai Gogol, an early 19th century Ukrainian-born Russian novelist, humorist, and dramatist, created some of the most important works of world literature and is considered the father of modern Russian realism. Gogol satirized the corrupt bureaucracy of the Russian Empire through the scrupulous and scathing realism of his writing, which would ultimately lead to his exile. Among some of his...
Nikolai Gogol, an early 19th century Ukrainian-born Russian novelist, humorist, and dramatist, created some of the most important works of world literature and is considered the father of modern Russian realism. Gogol satirized the corrupt bureaucracy of the Russian Empire through the scrupulous and scathing realism of his writing, which would ultimately lead to his exile. Among some of his...
"Dead Souls" is the story of Chichikov, a young middle-class gentleman who comes to a small town with a dubious plan to improve his wealth and position in life. He begins by spending beyond his means on the premise that he can impress the local officials and gain standing and connections in the community that will give him the capacity to live easily into the future. At the heart of his...
Nikolai Vasilievitch Gogol, the Moli?re of Russia, was born in the sunny Ukraine in March, 1809, and died in Moscow forty-three years later. The author of Russia's famous national comedy, «The Inspector-General,» Gogol was the first dramatist of his country to write plays on the Western European model, even as his friend Pushkin was the first Russian poet to introduce the Western strain...
"Taras Bulba" is the story of its title character, Taras Bulba, an old Ukrainian Cossack and his two sons, Andriy and Ostap, who journey to Zaporizhian Sich located in Ukraine to fight Polish nobles with fellow Cossacks. A romanticized historical novel, «Taras Bulba» is a story of great adventure and battle.
Based upon a personal anecdote recounted to Gogol by the great Russian poet Pushkin, «The Inspector-General», also known as «The Government Inspector», is a satirical play first published in 1836. It is a comedy of errors that unstintingly portrays human greed and stupidity. The plot centers around the officials of a small provincial town in Russia, who have been informed that a dreaded...
«Целью этой книги – показать, в какой полноте и внутренней глубокой связи совершается наша Литургия, юношам и людям, еще начинающим, еще мало ознакомленным с ее значением. Из множества объяснений, сделанных Отцами и...
Nikolai Gogols Dead Soul launches the great Russian novel form with a satire, so apt and so funny, that the novel remains as one of the most popular Russian text ever. Gogols own personal life may have been a dire disaster, but as a novelist he stands next to only Tolstoy and Dostovesky, as short story writer only Chekov comes close to his fame, and mind you, he preceded them and their...
Hailed by Nabokov as «the greatest artist that Russia has yet produced,» Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) left his mark as a playwright, novelist, and writer of short stories. Gogol's works remain popular with both writers and readers, who prize his originality, imaginative gifts, and sheer exuberance.This collection offers an excellent introduction to the author's works. Opening a door...
A stranger arrives in a Russian backwater community with a bizarre proposition for the local landowners: cash for their «dead souls,» the serfs who have died in their service and for whom they must continue to pay taxes until the next census. The landowner receives a payment and a relief of his tax burden, and the stranger receives — what? Gogol's comic masterpiece offers the...
Gogol's stories are admired for their skillful mingling of fantasy and reality, quiet good humor and use of mundane details — as Gogol put it — «to extract the extraordinary from the ordinary.» Imaginative and timeless, they remain as fresh and significant today as they were to readers generations ago.This rich selection of four short stories by the great...
В захолустном городке Б. было так скучно и кисло, что если бы не бывший кавалерист, а ныне один из главных местных аристократов – помещик Пифагор Пифагорович Чертокуцкий, то не было бы в этом городишке вообще ничего...
«Сорочинская ярмарка» – повесть, действие которой разворачивается на родине писателя, в селе Великие Сорочинцы Миргородского района Полтавской области.
В один из дней коллежский асессор Ковалев обнаруживает, что лишился одной из самых важных и выдающихся частей своего лица, а именно – носа. Решив немедленно заявить в полицию о пропаже, он направляется к...
Титулярный советник Акакий Акакиевич очень любил свою работу и выполнял ее качественно и добросовестно. И все же не только должность, но и жалование его были самыми низкими в департаменте. Чиновник вынужден был...
«Ей-богу, уже надоело рассказывать! Да что вы думаете? Право, скучно: рассказывай, да и рассказывай, и отвязаться нельзя! Ну, извольте, я расскажу, только, ей-ей, в последний раз. Да, вот вы говорили насчет того, что...
Пульхерия Ивановна и Афанасий Иванович всю жизнь прожили душа в душу, трогательно и нежно заботясь друг о друге. Детей у стариков не было, поэтому всю свою нерастраченную любовь и ласку они дарили друг другу и...
Три киевских студента-семинариста отправились на каникулы, решив немного подзаработать репетиторством. Да вот незадача – заплутали по дороге и вынуждены были попроситься на ночлег к старухе на одном из отдаленных...
«Ей-богу, уже надоело рассказывать! Да что вы думаете? Право, скучно: рассказывай, да и рассказывай, и отвязаться нельзя! Ну, извольте, я расскажу, только, ей-ей, в последний раз. Да, вот вы говорили насчет того, что...
Художник Пискарев и поручик Пирогов прогуливаются по Невскому проспекту и обращают внимание на двух очаровательных дам. Каждый из приятелей спешит вслед за своей пассией, но к сожалению, при более близком...
Все прекрасно и замечательно было в славном городе Миргороде, даже лужа на площади, и та была идеальна. И вдруг, все переменилось. Сначала поругались очень уважаемые в городе люди – Иван Иванович и Иван Никифорович....
«В один день, с первым весенним солнцем и разлившимися потоками, отец, взявши сына, выехал с ним на тележке, которую потащила мухортая пегая лошадка, известная у лошадиных барышников под именем соро́ки; ею правил...
«Ихарев входит в сопровождении трактирного слуги Алексея и своего собственного, Гаврюшки. Алексей. Пожалуйте-с, пожалуйте! Вот-с покойчик! уж самый покойный, и шуму нет вовсе. Ихарев. Шума нет, да, чай, конного войска...
«Звонкая песня лилась рекою по улицам села ***. Было то время, когда утомлённые дневными трудами и заботами парубки и девушки шумно собирались в кружок, в блеске чистого вечера, выливать своё веселье в звуки, всегда...