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Der erste der beiden Teile des Romans erz?hlt den Aufstieg des jungen Julien Sorel, der als Sohn eines einfachen Arbeiters in dem Dorf Verri?res aufw?chst (ein fiktives Dorf, das Stendhal im D?partement Doubs, im Osten Frankreichs ansiedelt). Trotz seines geringen sozialen Status wird er auf Grund seines exzellenten Ged?chtnisses (er spricht Latein und kennt das Neue Testament auswendig)...
Dieses eBook: «Gesammelte Werke: Romane + Erz?hlungen + Essays + Memoiren + Tageb?cher» ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgf?ltig korrekturgelesen. Marie-Henri Beyle (1783 – 1842) besser bekannt unter seinem Pseudonym Stendhal, war ein franz?sischer Schriftsteller, Milit?r und Politiker. In seiner Zeit eher als Journalist, Kritiker und...
Written in just fifty-two days in 1839, “The Charterhouse of Parma” has since become known as one of Stendhal’s finest works. Evidence of haste is infrequently apparent in this remarkable story, which follows the eventful life of the young Italian nobleman Fabrizio del Dongo. From his childhood in the family castle by Lake Como to the battlefields of Waterloo, Fabrizio proves himself...
Written in just fifty-two days in the year 1839, «The Charterhouse of Parma» has since become known as Stendhal's finest work. Evidence of haste is infrequently apparent in this remarkable story, which follows the eventful life of the young Italian nobleman Fabrizio del Dongo. From his childhood in the family castle by Lake Como to the battlefields of Waterloo, Fabrizio proves himself...
Widely considered the masterpiece of the fascinating and mysterious man known as Stendahl, «The Red and the Black» is a two volume novel first published in 1830. It follows the ambitious desires of Julien Sorel, a young man raised in the French countryside who wishes to rise above his station and explore Paris and its society. Through a series of events, Julien's talent and hard work...
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A landmark in the development of psychological realism, Stendhal's masterpiece chronicles a young man's struggles with the dualities of his nature. Julien Sorel, a young dreamer from the provinces whose imagination is afire with Napoleonic ideals, sets off to make his fortune in Parisian society of Restoration France. His encounters and experiences along the way incite constant inner...
Based on the novel by Stendhal (Henri Beyle, 1783-1842), The Red and the Black tells the story of Julien Sorel, a talented and ambitious young peasant. Sorel manages to cynically and hypocritically manipulate those around him to gain a position as a secretary with a prominent Marquis–and to seduce his employer's beautiful daughter, Mathilde. But he doesn't love...