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Книга, написанная главным рекрутером страны, раскрывает все секреты HR-индустрии. Что эйчары оценивают в кандидатах прежде всего, как не провалить интервью и поднять себе цену уже на собеседовании, как найти работу за...
Take back your space, your time and your mind to live your authentic life. You have too many commitments in your life and too much stuff in your home. It's no wonder you feel overwhelmed and stressed out. You don't need to just throw out a few bits and bobs; you need to declutter your life! Our homes and workspace are a mirror of what's happening inside us, Declutter Your Life explains how you...
Written by Jeanne Palmer, one of the superstars of HR recruiting and consulting, The Human Resource Professional’s Career Guide is the first ever comprehensive look at the choices, challenges, and rewards of building a life’s work in HR. Whether you are new to the field or you are wondering how to best leverage the value of all your experiences to make the next big career leap, this book...
You can find profitable, fulfilling work after 50! Kerry Hannon's national bestseller, Great Jobs for Everyone 50+, has become the job-hunting bible for people in their forties, fifties, and beyond. With her no-nonsense style, Hannon shows where the opportunities are and how to get them. In this completely revised edition, Hannon offers twice as many jobs and brand-new material to market your...
In Understanding Islamic Finance Muhammad Ayub introduces all the essential elements of this growing market by providing an in-depth background to the subject and clear descriptions of all the major products and processes associated with Islamic finance. Key features include: Discussion of the principles of Islamic finance; Introduction to the key products and procedures that International...
Make LinkedIn your number one professional branding tool LinkedIn is the premiere social network for professionals looking to discover new opportunities, enhance personal branding, connect with other professionals, and make career advancements. With LinkedIn For Dummies, you’ll have step-by-step instructions on how to take advantage of the latest tools and features to do all of this and...
Innovation is increasingly identified as the critical factor in ensuring economic competitiveness. Departments of state and quasi-governmental organizations in many countries including, Austria, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and the UK, have issued reports and calls to action; but implementation will continue to be problematic unless the points made in this book...
The training path for engineers focuses intensely on scientific and technical knowledge. Yet, our professional and personal satisfaction and success also depend on other traits that make us more effective and productive. In this thought-provoking book, Alan Rossiter provides practical guidance in developing the skills to become more effective in your work, while also balancing your life. It is...
Lose the resume and land that coveted job Gone are the days of polishing up your resume and sending it out at random. At every level today, you need to “lose the resume” in order to land the right job. In other words, you have to learn to tell a story about yourself that speaks to your competencies, purpose, passion, and values. Lose the Resume, Land the Job shares the new rules of...
Feeling stuck? Find out how to work toward the career of your dreams If you’re slogging through your days in a boring or unrewarding job, it may be time to make a big change. Careers For Dummies is a comprehensive career guide from a top career coach and counselor that will help you jump start your career and your life. Dive in to learn more about career opportunities, with a plethora of job...
Репетитор – полноценная профессия, которая позволяет вам быть одновременно и учителем, и личным тренером. О том, как стать эффективным тренером по знаниям, я и рассказываю в этой книге. Если бы я сама прочла нечто...
Мечта любого – «что-нибудь» перспективное, высокооплачиваемое и для души. Но как найти ту самую работу мечты – чтобы глаза горели, а за спиной вырастали крылья? Как понять, что именно эта работа подойдет вам больше...