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Старинная литература: прочее

Плутовской роман Лесажа (1668–1747) «История Жиль Бласа из Сантильяны», пользовавшийся огромным успехом у читателей, был чрезвычайно популярен не только вo Франции, но и за ее пределами. Несмотря на то, что действие...
Це видання – унікальна антологія, чудове джерело для всіх, хто хоче відчути, чим жив український народ від давніх-давен до нашого часу. «Влес-книга», Геродотова «Скіфія», Апокрифи та Житія перших руських святих,...
Монография посвящена Житию Евстафия Плакиды – одному из интереснейших средневековых произведений, созданному под непосредственным влиянием античного романа. Св. Евстафий Плакида, встретивший на охоте чудесного...
«Скажем честно, что и сами Пушкин или Шекспир, и сами Христос или Будда шутливо поднимут руки перед явлениями общенародного гения под названиями АНЕКДОТЫ и ПОСЛОВИЦЫ и скажут „сдаюсь“. Отсутствие чувства юмора...
Настоящий сборник содержит нотные транскрипции звукозаписей духовных стихов Тамбовского края, собранных в фольклорно-этнографических экспедициях автором издания, также были использованы фонды кабинета...
Предлагаемая вниманию читателя книга – первая и пока единственная в своем роде. Она содержит подробный анализ крымских легенд с древнейших времен до наших дней. Книга адресована всем, кто интересуется культурой и...
Термин «фольклор» появился 1846 году, его придумал Вильям Томсон, который пытался сделать англо-саксонскую науку о древностях и попытаться объяснить, что происходило с предками, например, почему кукушка кукует и...
«Былины» – искусственный, придуманный термин и замещает термин «старины», – начал свою беседу о былинах в русской культуре Никита Петров, заведующий Лабораторией теоретической фольклористики РАНХиГС, доцент РГГУ,...
“Human beings have always been mythmakers.” So begins best-selling writer Karen Armstrong’s concise yet compelling investigation into myth: what it is, how it has evolved, and why we still so desperately need it. She takes us from the Paleolithic period and the myths of the hunters right up to the “Great Western Transformation” of the last five...
Postmodern Fairy Tales seeks to understand the fairy tale not as children's literature but within the broader context of folklore and literary studies. It focuses on the narrative strategies through which women are portrayed in four classic stories: «Snow White,» «Little Red Riding Hood,» «Beauty and the Beast,» and «Bluebeard.» Bacchilega traces the oral sources of each tale,...
In the classic rags-to-riches fairy tale a penniless heroine (or hero), with some magic help, marries a royal prince (or princess) and rises to wealth. Received opinion has long been that stories like these originated among peasants, who passed them along by word of mouth from one place to another over the course of centuries. In a bold departure from conventional fairy tale scholarship, Ruth...
David Hufford's work exploring the experiential basis for belief in the supernatural, focusing here on the so-called Old Hag experience, a psychologically disturbing event in which a victim claims to have encountered some form of malign entity while dreaming (or awake). Sufferers report feeling suffocated, held down by some «force,» paralyzed, and extremely afraid. The experience is...
Publius Vergilius Maro (70-19 B.C.), known in English as Virgil, was perhaps the single greatest poet of the Roman empire—a friend to the emperor Augustus and the beneficiary of wealthy and powerful patrons. Most famous for his epic of the founding of Rome, the Aeneid , he wrote two other collections of poems: the Georgics and the Bucolics , or Eclogues . The Eclogues were...
This collection of exemplary essays by internationally recognized scholars examines the fairy tale from historical, folkloristic, literary, and psychoanalytical points of view. For generations of children and adults, fairy tales have encapsulated social values, often through the use of fixed characters and situations, to a far greater extent than any other oral or literary form. In many...
The most sophisticated and daring poetic ironist of the early Roman Empire, Publius Ovidius Naso, is perhaps best known for his oft-imitated Metamorphoses . But the Roman poet also wrote lively and lewd verse on the subjects of love, sex, marriage, and adultery—a playful parody of the earnest erotic poetry traditions established by his literary ancestors. The Amores , Ovid's...
The pursuit of health and wellness has become a fundamental and familiar part of everyday life in America. We are surrounded by an enticing world of products, practices, and promotions assuring health and happiness—cereal boxes claim that their contents can reduce the risk of heart disease, bars of aromatherapy soap seek to wash away our stresses, newspapers celebrate the wonders of...
Not much can be known about the life of Maximianus, who has been called «the last of the Roman poets,» beyond what can be inferred from his poetry. He was most likely a native of Tuscany, probably lived until the middle of the sixth century, and, at an advanced age, went as a diplomat to the emperor's court at Constantinople. A. M. Juster has translated the complete elegies of...
Greek poet Hesiod, who lived sometime during the 8th and 7th century B.C., is regarded as one the most important poets of classical antiquity. What little is known of him largely comes from his own epic poetry, in which he unconventionally inserted details of his life. Only three of his works, the “Theogony,” “Works and Days,” and the “Shield of Heracles” survive to this day in...
Theocritus of Syracuse (born c. 300 BCE,—died after 260 BCE) is remembered as the creator of ancient Greek bucolic poetry, though little is known of his life outside of his writings. He was probably born in Syracuse, in Italy, and lived for a time in Alexandria when he gained the patronage of Ptolemy Philadelphus. This lyric and pastoral poet wrote what was termed eidyllia («idylls»),...
This is the first anthology of the author’s own favorite ghost stories from the highly successful Jeffrey series of books that began in 1969 with “13 Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey.” Hundreds of thousands of these books have been sold. The present volume includes 13 of the best of Mrs. Windham’s stories, representing mysterious and supernatural doings from Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and...