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Зарубежная деловая литература

НЕТ – одно из самых важных слов в любом языке. Каждый день мы оказываемся в ситуациях, когда нам нужно говорить НЕТ коллегам, родным, партнерам. НЕТ защищает нас самих и то, что для нас важно и дорого. Но неправильно...
В этой книге эксперт по продуктивности Джейсон Вумек рассказывает, почему увеличение количества рабочих часов – неверный путь к вершинам эффективности. Вместо того чтобы работать больше, следует проанализировать...
Эта книга – реальная и невероятно интересная история становления человека, который встретил своего наставника и не боялся учиться. Он ощутил на себе, а потому поверил в существование знаков, энергий и скрытых миров....
Если вы хотите добиться в жизни чего-то действительно сто́ящего, вам придется научиться справляться с критикой и неприятием окружающих. Если вы творческий человек, ваша работа будет многократно отклоняться...
Джон Грэй, автор психологического супер бестселлера «Мужчины с Марса, женщины с Венеры…», и Барбара Эннис, всемирно известный эксперт в области гендерных ролей в бизнесе, объясняют, как мужчины и женщины, работающие...
Эта книга о том, как успевать и жить больше, работая меньше. Девять простых правил, описанных в книге, помогут вам побороть прокрастинацию, использовать все возможности современных технологий для экономии времени,...
В книге приводятся испытанные стратегии ведения переговоров, которые помогут избежать любых ловушек. Авторы учат анализировать мотивацию оппонентов, вести переговоры с целью удовлетворения потребностей обеих...
В книге рассматривается роль государства в современном мире. Глобальные потрясения и геополитические сдвиги, изменение климата, стремительное развитие технологий, демографические сдвиги, ограниченные ресурсы, все...
Книга «Умные граждане – умное государство» представляет собой манифест идеологии открытого правительства. Автор анализирует последовательные шаги, обеспечивающие вовлечение граждан в процесс формирования...
Книга – бестселлер №1 в списках Amazon, New York Times и Wall Street Journal! Аудиокнига «Как работать 4 часа в неделю» раскрывает секреты новых богатых – представителей поколения, которые отказались от так называемого “синдрома...
Rahanduslik reisikiri seletab ka finantsv?hikule, kuidas tekkis v?ljend „Kreekat tegema“ – ning seda mitte ?ksnes Kreekas. Kuude kaupa raamatuedetabelite tipus p?sinud „Buumerang“ seob kokku finantsajakirjanik Michael Lewise reisimuljed v?lakriisi kolletesse ehk uude Kolmandasse Maailma – Iirimaale, Kreekasse, Islandile, Saksamaale – ning viib l?puks lugeja ekskursioonile USA...
"See raamat r??gib v?ljakutsest, mis seisab iga firma, iga projekti ja iga algatuse ees, mille siht on kasvada suuremaks. Kuidas j?uda ?ha kiiremini ja ?ha kaugemale ning toimida aina t?husamalt sedam??da, kuidas jalaj?lg suureneb?Autorid jagavad oma pikaaegseid kogemusi, kuidas parimad juhid ja meeskonnad oma t??tajates ?iget suhtumist arendavad, levitavad ja hoiavad ega lase veega alla minna...
Selle raamatu eesm?rk on muuta raha ja inimese majandustegevus sama p?haks kui k?ik teised asjad meie universumis.Me peame raha r?vetatuks ja p?hjusega. Kui maailmas on miski p?ha, siis igatahes mitte raha. Raha tundub olevat iga kaalumist v??rt sotsiaalse v?i poliitilise reformi vaenlane, sest korporatiivne v?im kujundab seadusi iseenda kasumi suurendamist silmas pidades. Paistab, et raha...
Kiire elutempo sunnib meid ?hel hetkel otsima lahendust, mis aitaks taastada ja hoida kontrolli oma t?? ja isikliku elu ?le. Heaks abimeheks sealjuures on raamat Praktiline ajajuhtimine, mis jagab p?hjalikku ja kasulikku infot ajajuhtimise teemal. Raamatu autoriks on kogenud koolitaja Ardo Reinsalu, kelle poolt raamatusse kogutud ajajuhtimise reeglid on lihtsas ja selges keeles, homoorika...
2010. aasta kevadel k?isime koos s?braga Tallinnas Koplis otsimas oma esimest tulevast ??rikorterit. Kuna raha meil eriti ei olnud, siis sihtisime „odavama otsa” kinnisvara – tubasid ?hiselamutes, 2-toalisi poolp?lenud puumajades ja muud s??rast kraami. Mul on siiani meeles katkil??dud akendega politseiauto vrakk ?he ?hika ees parklas. ?tleme nii, et liiga perspektiivikaks ma meie...
Investeerimise ja rikkaks saamise k?siraamat. Tegemist on praktilise k?siraamatuga, kuidas planeerida oma rahaasju, kuidas investeerida ja luua endale passiivne sissetulek l?bi intressi, ??ri ja dividenditulu. Samas on raamat kirjutatud jutustavas formaadis ja seal on palju Eestist p?rit n?iteid reaalsete tehingute kohta.
В этой книге Пол Смит, директор по коммуникациям и потребительским исследованиям в Procter & Gamble и популярный спикер, рассказывает, как наиболее эффективно использовать силу историй. Автор уверен: каждый может стать...
T?nap?eva ?ritegevuses omistatakse firma n?ole suurt t?htsust. Firmad, kus etiketti ei j?rgita, kaotavad nii m?ndagi. Seal aga, kus etiketireeglitest kinni peetakse, on k?rgem tootlikkus ja paremad tulemused. Seep?rast tuleb alati silmas pidada t?htsat postulaati, mida teavad kogu maailma ?rimehed – head maneerid toovad tulu.Et isiklikku karj??ri ja firma edu lihtsate v?tetega veelgi...
Kuidas k?igest viie p?evaga lahendada suuri probleeme ja proovida l?bi uusi ideid
1999. aasta alguses ostsin keskkooli?pilasena oma elu esimesed aktsiad. Ligi 20 aastat hiljem toodab minu aktsiaportfell piisavalt dividenditulu, et saan sellega oma igap?evased elamiskulud kaetud. Olen teinud vahepeal sadu ja sadu tehinguid, kogenud suuri v?ite ja kibedaid kaotusi. Olen investeerinud ettev?tetesse, mille v??rtus on k?mnekordistunud ja olen ka kogu investeeringu kaotanud....
Лидерами рождаются или становятся? Каково главное качество, которым должен обладать настоящий лидер? Философы веками дебатировали на эту тему. Наконец появилась книга, в которой отражена сама суть этого понятия. Ее...
K?esolev raamat annab tervikliku ?levaate Tartu ?likooli ?hiskonnateaduste instituudi Eesti ?hiskonna muutumist k?sitleva pikaajalise uurimisprojekti „Mina. Maailm. Meedia“ peamistest tulemustest. Anal??si aluseks on viiel korral (2002, 2005, 2008, 2011 ja 2014) l?biviidud esindusliku sotsioloogilise k?sitluse tulemused. Lisaks empiirilisele materjalile pakub raamat ?levaadet Eesti...
Sunday Times #1 bestseller and long-awaited follow-up to the #1 bestselling Stop Talking, Start Doing You can think big or you can think small, it all starts in the mind. What have you got to lose? If you aim for the stars you might just get there. Sometimes it pays off to think BIG and Richard Newton is here to get us thinking on a bigger scale than we ever imagined. With the right thinking...
As a company or an individual, you cannot control the desire and the ability of criminals and terrorists. However, you have full control over effectively lowering your risk of being attacked by increasing security measures–physical, technical, and procedural. The less vulnerable we are, the less attractive we are to any criminal or terrorist planning an attack. Let Executive’s Guide to...
If you can change education, you can change the world Edupreneur gives teachers the "how." You already know what needs to be done to improve education, but you may lack the support and processes to bring it to life—and that's where this book comes in. You'll walk through the four stages of innovation—dreaming, digging, making and sharing—and learn how to unleash ground-shaking change...
Sunday Times #1 bestseller and long-awaited follow-up to the #1 bestselling Stop Talking, Start Doing You can think big or you can think small, it all starts in the mind. What have you got to lose? If you aim for the stars you might just get there. Sometimes it pays off to think BIG and Richard Newton is here to get us thinking on a bigger scale than we ever imagined. With the right thinking...
Sunday Times #1 bestseller and long-awaited follow-up to the #1 bestselling Stop Talking, Start Doing You can think big or you can think small, it all starts in the mind. What have you got to lose? If you aim for the stars you might just get there. Sometimes it pays off to think BIG and Richard Newton is here to get us thinking on a bigger scale than we ever imagined. With the right thinking...
The essential guide to global sukuk markets worldwide Sukuk Securities provides complete information and guidance on the latest developments in the burgeoning sukuk securities markets. Written by leading Islamic finance experts, this essential guide offers insight into the concepts, design features, contract structures, yields, and payoffs in all twelve global sukuk markets, providing Islamic...
If you can change education, you can change the world Edupreneur gives teachers the "how." You already know what needs to be done to improve education, but you may lack the support and processes to bring it to life—and that's where this book comes in. You'll walk through the four stages of innovation—dreaming, digging, making and sharing—and learn how to unleash ground-shaking change...
A Guide for English communication amongst international professionals Leading in English provides a valuable resource for more effective international business communication. Whether you're a non-native English speaker working in English every day, or a native speaker working with non-native speakers, this book levels the playing field with a host of insights and tips using real-time...
The Pitbull of Personal Development® Takes on Damn Near Everything! Larry Winget does not mince words, and in this latest addition to his straight-talking brand, one of the most iconic leaders of the personal development industry puts down in black and white, What's Wrong with Damn Near Everything! If you think the world is a mess, you already have a lot in common with Larry. The genius and...
An introduction to share investing—and whether it's right for you The ASX investor education team has been providing the essentials about share investing for over 30 years. The latest edition of Starting Out in Shares the ASX Way is your one-stop resource to understanding what shares are—and how to buy and sell them. Inside, you'll have the pros and cons of shares over other investments...
A fascinating insight into the global battle for our energy future The global competition for scarce natural resources that pits the West against the super-hot economies of China and India, plus a clutch of other contenders including Russia, Brazil, and Indonesia, has become one of the biggest issues facing the world today. Whether it is the rare metal lithium found in salt pans in the Andes,...
The «how-not-to» leadership book There is a paradox in leadership: we can only succeed by knowing failure. Every accomplished leader knows there are minefields of failures that need to be navigated in order to succeed. Wouldn't it be great to have the insights to help you prevent from making avoidable mistakes? Unfortunately, in business talking about mistakes can be taboo, and, at a certain...
Updated look at financial modeling and Monte Carlo simulation with software by Oracle Crystal Ball This revised and updated edition of the bestselling book on financial modeling provides the tools and techniques needed to perform spreadsheet simulation. It answers the essential question of why risk analysis is vital to the decision-making process, for any problem posed in finance and...
Real advice you can trust and use in small claims court When every other method to collect has failed, a small claim is the right remedy to seek. If you're looking at either prosecuting or defending in a small claims court, with or without an attorney, the information presented in Filing & Winning Small Claims For Dummies is indispensable. The nuances of small claims courts vary from state to...
The first comprehensive guide to Islamic financial markets Based on the course taught at the International Islamic University Malaysia, this is the first book on Islamic finance to focus exclusively on money and capital markets. Covering basic concepts as well as current practices in Islamic financial markets, the book features case studies from real markets. It outlines the theory of money in...
A concise and practical guide to preparing for the Canadian Securities Exam For anyone dreaming of a career in the Canadian finance industry, whether in banking, brokerage, financial planning, or mutual funds, passing the Canadian Securities Exam is the first step on the path to success. But there's a lot of material to know and almost everyone needs a helping hand. Thankfully, the Canadian...
An indispensable resource for every financial service professionals developing an IPS The Investment Policy Statement (IPS) is one of the most critical documents fiduciaries must draft. For years, ERISA and other industry regulations have governed the guidelines all fiduciaries must comply with when drafting one. But the current climate of corporate scandal and the 2008 global banking crisis...
Learn how to make money wholesaling real estate without having to swing a hammer or deal with tenants. Wholesaling is one of the best ways to get started making money in the world of real estate investing. Think of it as the day trading of real estate except it is simpler and has less risk if you learn how the process works. In fact when you learn how to do it the right way, you can minimize...