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Зарубежная эзотерическая и религиозная литература

Your plain-English guide to Judaism Whether you're interested in the religion or the spirituality, the culture or the ethnic traditions, Judaism For Dummies explores the full spectrum of Judaism, dipping into the mystical, meditative, and spiritual depth of the faith and the practice. In this warm and welcoming book, you'll find coverage of: Orthodox Jews and breakaway denominations; Judaism...
Leading theologian Graham Ward presents a stimulating series of reflections on Christ and contemporary culture. Takes as its starting point Niebuhr’s famous volume on ‘Christ and Culture’ published in the 1970s Explores representations of Christ from sources as diverse as the New Testament and twentieth-century continental philosophy Considers Christ and culture in the light of...
From the heliocentric controversy and evolution, to debates on biotechnology and the environment, this book offers a balanced introduction to the key issues in science and religion. A balanced, introductory textbook which fully spans the interface between science and religion, and includes illustrations of scientific concepts throughout Explores key historical issues, including the...
Through reference to plays, poetry, novels, films and painting, this manifesto traces the genealogy of ‘true religion' in the western world and makes six controversial claims about the past, present and future of religion. Traces a transformation in the way religion is understood and performed in the western world. Makes several major claims about the past, present and future of true...
An ideal introduction to Buddhism for anyone who has unanswered questions about one of the world's largest and most popular religions. A fascinating, short book that challenges us to strip away existing preconceptions we may have about Buddhism Considers questions such as: Can we talk of Buddhism as a unified religion or are there many Buddhisms? Is Buddhism a religion of tolerance and...
After Terror presents sustained reflections by some of the world's most celebrated thinkers on the most pressing question of our time: how can we find ways to defuse the ticking bombs of terrorism and excessive interventions against it? It offers an antidote to the fatalistic global holy war perspective that afflicts much contemporary thought, focusing instead on the principles, issues, and...
This book is a major contribution to the sociology of religion and to religious and biblical studies. Beginning from the classic work of Max Weber, the author analyses the origins of Judaism in the light of more recent scholarship. The result is a work that will become a standard point of reference in its field, and will be of great interest to the general reader as well as the specialist.
Alister E. McGrath is one of the world’s leading theologians, with a doctorate in the sciences. Richard Dawkins is one of the bestselling popular science writers, with outspoken and controversial views on religion. This fascinating and provoking work is the first book-length response to Dawkins’ ideas, and offers an ideal introduction to the topical issues of science and religion....
Just as our life is in our blood, the life for Christ’s body is in His blood. Changing a church is more than a new goal or direction. Our churches need more than an organizational transition; we need a full transfusion of Jesus' blood, His life, within every disciple. Anything less than that will only perpetuate more of the dysfunction and unhealthy church practices that have already plagued...
This engaging book by one of today's best-known Christian writers explores the history of heaven, from its origins in biblical writings to its most recent representations. A short, accessible book on the history of heaven. Draws together representations of heaven by a wide range of writers, theologians, politicians and artists. Covers literary works such as Dante's Divine Comedy, Bunyan's...
Misuse of the Bible has made hatred holy. In this provocative book, Adrian Thatcher argues that debates on sexuality currently raging through the churches are the latest outbreak in a long line of savage interpretations of the Bible. Fascinating reading for anyone concerned about the future of Christianity. A provocative book claiming that debates on sexuality currently raging through the...
An ideal resource for courses on Hinduism or world religions, this accessible volume spans the entire field of Hindu studies. It provides a forum for the best scholars in the world to make their views and research available to a wider audience. Comprehensively covers the textual traditions of Hinduism Features four coherent sections covering theoretical issues, textual traditions, science and...
This short and accessible book introduces readers to the problems of heresy, schism and dissidence over the last two millennia. The heresies under discussion range from Gnosticism, influential in the early Christian period, right through to modern sects. The idea of a heretic conjures up many images, from the martyrs prepared to die for their beliefs, through to sects with bizarre practices....
The act of death itself and the rituals surrounding it vary enormously and shed a fascinating light on the cultures of which they are a part. In this brief and lively history, Douglas Davies – internationally acknowledged as one of the leading experts in this field – tackles some of the most significant aspects of death and weaves them into a compelling story about our changing attitudes...
A Brief History of Saints follows the rise of the cult of saints in Christianity from its origin in the age of the martyrs down to the present day. Refers to both well-known saints, such as Joan of Arc, and lesser-known figures like the ‘holy fools’ in the Orthodox tradition Ranges over subjects as diverse as the history of canonization processes, the Reformation critique of the cult of...
This Companion explores the history, doctrines, divisions, and contemporary condition of Judaism. Surveys those issues most relevant to Judaic life today: ethics, feminism, politics, and constructive theology Explores the definition of Judaism and its formative history Makes sense of the diverse data of an ancient and enduring faith
The conflicts between the three great monotheistic religions ? Christianity, Judaism and Islam ? are shaping our world more than ever before. In this important new book Peter Sloterdijk returns to the origins of monotheism in order to shed new light on the conflict of the faiths today. Following the polytheism of the ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Hittites and Babylonians, Jewish...
The links between religion and food have been known for centuries, and yet we rarely examine or understand the nature of the relationship between food and spirituality, or food and sin. Drawing on literature, politics, and philosophy as well as theology, this book unlocks the role food has played within religious tradition. A fascinating book tracing the centuries-old links between theology...
A comprehensive treatment of the significant symbols and institutions of Roman religion, this companion places the various religious symbols, discourses, and practices, including Judaism and Christianity, into a larger framework to reveal the sprawling landscape of the Roman religion. An innovative introduction to Roman religion Approaches the field with a focus on the human-figures instead of...
Мы все стремимся сохранить то, что нам дорого, и избавиться от того, что нам неприятно. Это главное стремление человека не согласуется с реальностью жизни: все постоянно меняется, и никому не под силу этими переменами...
W słynnym orędziu fatimskim Matka Boża zapowiedziała szereg dramatycznych wydarzeń. Wiele z nich miało dotyczyć kryzysu Kościoła oraz prześladowań i cierpień, kt?re go czekają. Kolejni papieże, konfrontowani z pełną wersją objawień, podtrzymywali decyzję o zachowaniu w tajemnicy najbardziej niepokojących fragment?w. Owa skrywana część objawień zwana Trzecią...
В своей книге Гьялванг Друкпа Ринпоче устраняет заблуждения, заслоняющие истинный смысл счастья. Она указывает нам на препятствия, которые приводят к тому, что мы становимся чужими самим себе, и раскрывает методы,...
Бестселлер Пемы Чодрон посвящен взаимодействию со страхом: "гибкость и открытость придают нам сил, а попытки убежать от неопределенности делают нас слабыми и причиняют боль. Однако важно понимать, что открытость...
How to Read provides guidance and reflections on the love and enjoyment of books. Engaging and enlightening, this well-rounded collection includes Lewis’ reflections on science fiction, why children’s literature is for readers of all ages, and why we should read two old books for every new one. C. S. Lewis continues to speak to readers thanks to not only his intellectual insights on...
Prepare to fall head over heels. The perfect book for fans of Josie Silver, Richard Curtis, and anyone who ever fell in love with the wrong person… ‘Gorgeously festive and romantic’ Rosie Walsh, bestselling author of The Man Who Didn’t Call What if you couldn’t get away from the one who got away? This December, unlucky-in-love Jess is following her dream and moving to Notting Hill....
Современный мир стремителен, непостоянен и разнопланов. Наша жизнь в нем наполнена событиями и достижениями, взлетами и падениями, заставляет постоянно находиться в напряжении и собранности. И за этой бешеной...
В мае 2017 года один из величайших современных учителей тибетского буддизма лама Тхубтен Сопа Ринпоче прочёл в Москве ряд лекций, посвящённых важнейшим вопросам теории и практики учения Будды. Наряду с практическими...
Це – найважливіше повідомлення Його Святості Далай-лами майбутнім поколінням. Маніфест сили та духовної чистоти. Слова, що здатні перевернути світ та зробити його кращим. Це голос, що лунає в наших душах і...
В этой книге почитаемый духовный лидер традиции буддизма Шамбалы Сакьонг Мипам делится с западным читателем этим древним учением о просветлённом обществе и показывает современному человечеству, стоящему на...
В этой книге Пема Чодрон учит читателя работать с собственными зависимостями, страхами, агрессией и предрассудками, чтобы принести пользу миру. Здесь содержатся практические наставления о том, как это сделать. Мы...
В эту книгу вошли 108 практических учений из разных работ Пемы Чодрон. Это 108 сущностных наставлений о том, как жить в духе буддизма махаяны. Слово «махаяна» означает «великая колесница». Это путь, постепенно выводящий...
The winner of 3 book awards as best book in it's category, Bent Hope was born out of Tim Huff’s first twenty years of unique and extensive work among homeless and street-involved youth and adults, in one of North America’s largest urban centres—Toronto, Canada. Bent Hope is a collection of thoughtful narratives birthed beneath crumbling bridges and in the hidden alcoves of darkened...
There are several other books on the topic of conflict in the local congregation. They all make their contribution towards solutions to this problem. However, this brief work zeros in on specific happenings, how they affected the congregation and/or the minister, and are then followed by a denouement of each case. This book also suggests that in many cases there are practical remedies that...