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Maxine Sullivan

Dviejų knygų serija „Broliai Rotai“. Pirma knyga. Dominykas Rotas padarė mirštančiam broliui didžiulę paslaugą, o dabar turi mokėti skausmingą kainą. Magnatas negali viešai pripažinti mylimosios Kasandros kūdikio savu – mergaitė pristatoma kaip jo dukterėčia. Net ir gavęs trokštamą moterį, jis žino negalėsiąs atskleisti paslapties. Laimės pojūtis toks...
Dviejų knygų serija „Broliai Rotai“. Antra knyga. Jam reikėjo meilužės. Tariamos meilužės. Todėl kai Džena Brenson pareikalavo, kad turtuolis mergišius Adamas Rotas grąžintų jo brolio pavogtus Brensonų šeimos pinigus, šis iš karto nusprendė pasinaudoti proga. Jis pažadėjo pasidomėti Dženos kaltinimais, jeigu mainais ji sutiks apsimesti jo meiluže. Pasiūlymas...
Trijų knygų serija „Broliai Valenčiai“. Pirma knyga. Australijos magnatas Aleksas Valentis yra priverstas vesti, antraip praras savo verslą. Tačiau paprasta moteris netinka. Įtakingasis vyras siekia išvengti jausmų painiavos, svarbiausia jam – fizinis potraukis. Kylanti drabužių modeliuotoja Olivija Kenington atitinka Alekso reikalavimus. Gražuolei beviltiškai reikia...
Trijų knygų serija „Broliai Valenčiai“. Antra knyga. Kas priverstų milijonierių mergišių Niką Valentį susituokti su moterimi, kurios nematė metų metus? Žinoma, šantažas. Kad išlaikytų namus šeimos rankose jis privalo vesti tėvo išrinktą moterį Sašą Bleik, kuriai kadaise jautė aistrą. Tačiau jo galvoje kirba klausimas… Kokių motyvų vedama Saša sutiko už jo...
Trijų knygų serija „Šeichų magnatai“. Pirma knyga Karališkajam Dubako princui Tarikui reikia įpėdinio, todėl pareiga reikalauja išsirinkti žmoną, kuri jam paklustų ir dieną, ir naktį. Įnoringojo likimo valia Medisonė Vitni laukiasi Tariko kūdikio. Tačiau atkaklios, karjeros siekiančios merginos tikrai nepavadintum paklusnia!
What better revenge for betrayal than taking possession of the betrayer's wife?Rich, powerful Flynn Donovan had devised the perfect plan. Knowing Danielle Ford would have no other means of settling her late husband's debt, Flynn called in his loan.And blackmailed her into becoming his mistress. Then he discovered Danielle was pregnant…with his enemy's child.
The Millionaire’s Seductive RevengeMillionaire Brant Matthews’s desire for his secretary only fully ignited when she became engaged to his business partner. Brant knew Kia was not in love with the other man and set out to discover what game she was playing. But Kia had severely underestimated how much Brant wanted her and the revenge he would extract when he discovered her ruse.The...
The Executive’s Valentine Seduction Merline Lovelace Having learned the truth about his long-ago lover, Caroline Walters, Rory Burke had gone to great lengths to orchestrate a Valentine reunion in sunny Spain. His plan? To lure Caro back into his bed, as his bride. With his powers of persuasion, the high-powered executive was certain he would get his way… Valente Must Marry Maxine Sullivan...
What better revenge for betrayal than taking possession of the betrayer's wife?Rich, powerful Flynn Donovan had devised the perfect plan. Knowing Danielle Ford would have no other means of settling her late husband's debt, Flynn called in his loan.And blackmailed her into becoming his mistress. Then he discovered Danielle was pregnant…with his enemy's child.
The CEO Takes a WifeMaxine Sullivan He must marry or lose control of his empire. But no ordinary wife would do for Australian tycoon Alex Valente. Emotional entanglements were to be avoided; physical attraction was essential. Struggling designer Olivia Cannington certainly fitted the bill… Perhaps she would even agree to the second part of his marriage ultimatum: give Valente an...
The Millionaire’s Seductive RevengeMillionaire Brant Matthews’s desire for his secretary only fully ignited when she became engaged to his business partner. Brant knew Kia was not in love with the other man and set out to discover what game she was playing. But Kia had severely underestimated how much Brant wanted her and the revenge he would extract when he discovered her ruse.The...
Millionaire Brant Matthews's desire for his secretary only fully ignited when she became engaged to his business partner. Brant knew Kia was not in love with the other man and set out to discover what game she was playing. A startling request to be a «pretend fiancee» allowed Kia a respite from Brant's relentless pursuit. Surely he wouldn't seduce her believing she belonged to...